J146 stories
Sean Wheeler lives and works in Colorado. He was sex trafficked from around age 5 until age 9 and he experienced other forms of abuse for some 15 years, including having been used in child pornography. Sean is the author of the book Wretch available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Walmart, iTunes in books and through other outlets. Today, Sean speaks out on the issue of boys and child abuse. He is also the founder of Starfish Ministries, a 501(c)3, in Colorado. He is a committee member and spokesperson of Restoring Joseph. Sean exemplifies what it means to restore what was broken and empower what remains.
As a preteen Sean’s family lived in a small midwestern town. Before 5 years of age predators came into his life. They groomed him and went on to share him for sexual purposes with men (and women too) until he was almost 10 years old. By age 7, Sean was used in child sexual abuse material along with other children and several adults. By age 9, he had been taught how to drink and smoke and knew all about pornography. Even though his family moved away from the town where the network operated, Sean had been taught to believe that people had a right to use him. Others would find him and at age 19 he endured the last attack on his body. At that point Sean said enough and he went silent with his story for several decades until God in His perfect timing rescued Sean. God led him to his future wife Susan, who taught him about the power of prayer and told him “God does not see you as damaged goods, and neither do I.” Sean and Susan were married in 2005. He was blessed with two amazing step-sons and today they have 5 grandchildren.
Sean has been a guest lecturer at Christ for the Nations in Dallas. He has been featured on 100 Huntley Street in Toronto, Canada, and on the 700 Club in the USA. Sean’s story has been shared in Charisma Magazine (on-line) and in other Christian publications. He is also the author of “Wretch: Haunted by Shadows – Rescued by Jesus” available at on-line at book sellers worldwide.
He is on the Survivor Voice Council with EcPat-USA and consults with the OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe) and Polaris in the USA. He also works with Veterans for Child Rescue based in Tucson, Arizona. Since he started speaking in 2014, over 6 million people in 150 nations world-wide have now heard Sean’s testimony.
Sean speaks for biological boys like the one he once was. Boys may be half the victims in the United States, according to an EcPat-USA study done in 2013 called “And Boys Too”. Regardless of the exact number, in 2022 boys are still significantly under-represented in efforts to inform the public about this tragic issue. Some argue that women and girls are a disproportionate share of the victims. They point to statistics to prove this assertion, yet the fact is few people seek out statistics on biological boys and abuse. Many of the arguments presented today are based on stats that are 20 years old and were never accurate to begin with. Often boys do not report because they are met with skepticism and even hostility, and for that reason they are not even recognized or counted. Sean’s questions to those who argue proportionality and stats are these: What exactly was my “proportionate” share? And, regardless of the numbers, don’t boys deserve a voice too?
In 2018, Sean and Susan founded Starfish Ministries in Colorado (www.starfishcolorado.org). Ordained in 2020, he works with two prison ministry programs. One is found in Colorado and the other is with the Jail Ministry Team through the Dream Center in Los Angeles, California. His work includes meeting with convicted
sex offenders, speaking to them about a grace more powerful than their sin. He offers them hope in Christ not condemnation. Sean does not excuse their behavior. He does tell them what happened to him is not the end of his story, and it doesn’t have to be the end of theirs either. To those who question his work in the jail, Sean tells them the Bible clearly says God’s heart is that none should perish and he offers one reminder. You never looked into the eyes an anyone that Jesus doesn’t love. It’s God’s job to judge, the Holy Spirit’s job is to convict, and it’s our job to love and He loves us.
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